a very Simple Stay at Home Mom Schedule for a Peaceful Home

As a stay at home mom, it can be difficult to plan your days well, even overwhelming at times. Once dad leaves for work you likely have at least 8 hours at home with your children. Is it possible to find time for your home, and yourself while pouring into your kids all day? How do you even make a schedule that’s easy to stick to? If you’re tired of feeling like you don’t have enough time, you lack structure in your day, or you have no clue how to fill your days this stay at home mom schedule is for you. It’s very simple, and will leave you with a happy and peaceful home.

A word of encouragement- set realistic expectations. How many kids do you have, what are their ages? Let go of perfect. A good schedules job is to keep everyone on task- to establish a plan for the day. However, some things you just can’t plan for example a teething baby, or a fussy growth spurt. Sometimes your kids just need you- and that’s ok. Heres a verse to reference when you feel like your stay at home mom schedule is going out the window.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 NIV

The importance of a good stay at home mom schedule(more time!)

Children thrive on structure. Mama thrives when her time is divided well. When your household knows what to expect daily, it sets everyone up for success. It brings focus, less anxiety, and more excitement! When a schedule is set in place the day runs on its own. It’s less time thinking about what you’re going to do, and more time actually doing it. If you feel like time is running away from you, the lack of a good stay at home mom schedule is likely the culprit.

1.How to change your current stay at home mom schedule(observe and plan)

Before creating a new schedule, spend time and observe your days just the way they are. What things do you like? What things do you want to change? What’s are things you want to make time for that your current schedule doesn’t allow for? How does your household handle the current schedule? Observe and then move to planning.

2. How to set a SAHM goal and schedule priorities(to actually get stuff done!)

My goal is to maximize my quality time with my kids, minimize my time spent cleaning during the day, and spend less time on my phone”. This is an example of a setting a SAHM goal. Plan your day by making this goal your priority to follow to make sure everything in your schedule serves that goal. This will serve as your long term goal– almost like a life mission statement.

  • Think of things you can do with your kids around and things you prefer to do when they are down for a nap/ or asleep for the night.
  • Maybe you enjoy cooking with your kids- so prep dinner with them in their wake window.
  • If you like having bible time alone, then schedule that before the kids wake up, or when they go to bed.
  • Maybe you enjoy working out, but can’t make time for it in morning or at night. So instead you make your workout time their “Gym class” in the afternoon and have them join you.
  • Need to declutter? Maybe schedule that during nap time or wait until the weekend to tackle that project.

Revisit your goal constantly to make your day work for you. Remove anything that isn’t working, and don’t hesitate to try something new the next day.

make a simple list of Non-Negotiables

Write down up to four things that are most important to you- and make that your focus of the day. Strive to get this list done no matter what. Be realistic and know your season. These are your short-term goals and some may change daily. Examples of non-negotiables can be:

  • Bible reading/Prayer
  • Exercise
  • Kids Screen free all day
  • Save #4 for your random tasks- like getting a birthday gift for someone, paying a bill, getting an oil change, etc.

3.How to write out your stay at home mom schedule(Sample Schedule)

You’ve observed, planned, figured out your priorities- now it’s time to test all the brainstorming out. Heres a sample schedule with multiple kids.


5-7:30 am: Mama wakes up; Devotion; Get ready.

7:30-8: Kids slowly awake; Diaper changes.

8-9: Make breakfast, clean up breakfast, unload dishwasher/re-load. ( Kids stay at kitchen table with a toy/activity while mama gets tasks done- or they help)

9-9:30: Get kids ready(Mama does hair and brushes teeth of each kid while they are still at the kitchen table)

9:30-11:30: All together learning; activities; homeschool and snack. OR leave the house (playdate, library, etc)


11:30-12:30: Make lunch (easy to cook- variation of good protein, carb, and fat), cleanup lunch. (Kids at the table playing with toys, finishing homeschool, or talking together/with mama).

12:30-1: Kids free time mama watches or plays with.

1:00-3: Nap time or quiet time for older child. Mama gets her tasks done. (Normal clean, Deep clean, decluttering, personal hobby)


3-4: Dinner prep. Kids Help or Watch TV, Do a puzzle, Play outside.

4-5: Dinner; Time together as a family.

5-6: Whole house quick clean-up. Kids can help!

6-7: Bedtime prep, story and prayer (Read, sing, play together as a family).

7:00: Bedtime

7-9:30: Time with hubby, mama self care, workout, mama hobby.

4. How to stay consistent with a new stay at home mom schedule

Waking up earlier than kids can be a great habit to start. It can give you more hours in the day, and you won’t have to worry about trying to split your time between your well being and your household.

The flow of the day is more important than the actual times. Focus on patterns and sequence vs time on the clock.

Think about how a schedule benefits your home- More quality time as a family, less decision fatigue on your end, guaranteed time to fit in all your priorities. You’ll never want to go back once you get in the groove of things.


Know why you want a good schedule in place. Observe your current schedule and create a plan to execute a better one.

Children are resilient. Though you may feel all over the place- they just see you as the amazing mama you are. Know that God is always for you. He is with you in your ” perfect” and not so perfect days.

It IS possible to make time for yourself and your household in a day, it just takes some planning. I pray this schedule finds you well. Above all else we as mamas serve Christ. Before you were a stay at home mom, or a homemaker you were a child of God. Our identity is in christ alone and is NOT measured by how much we accomplish in our homes. Seek first His kingdom and the rest WILL be added.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Matthew 6:33 NIV

Pin it for later!

Pin this very simple stay at home mom schedule to reference when you need some ideas on how to structure your day better! I pray the result is a more peaceful home.

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